Why You Should Learn to Talk About Your Hobbies

Why You Should Learn to Talk About Your Hobbies

Talking about your hobbies and interests sounds like very basic English and something you might have covered when you were learning English in school, but being able to discuss things you are interested in and passionate about is much more than that. This is an essential skill for networking; and having a shared interest with a client or colleague creates valuable bonds and opportunities to develop relationships. That's why, in job interviews, you are often asked about your hobbies and interests outside of the role you are applying for. Research has even proven that employees who engage in creative hobbies outside the workplace perform 15-30% better in their jobs compared to those who don't have any occupations outside of work.

The hobbies we enjoy can teach us different skills. Those involved in Performing Arts or who enjoy arts and crafts tend to be more creative and think outside the box. People who enjoy acting, dancing or performing often make great public speakers and give high-quality and entertaining presentations. If you participate in a team sport like basketball or football, for example, you will have learned many skills, such as managing large numbers of people and conflict resolution, that will help you get on with teams in the workplace.

If you've just met someone for the first time, you might ask them about things to do in the area, or you could make a suggestion if you have the information:

  • I hear the water sports are good in this area!
  • Someone told me there is a great golf course near here. Do you go?
  • Do you like hiking? If so, there are some lovely walks in the hills nearby.
  • Are you looking forward to the (rugby/basketball/baseball/football) match/game this weekend?
  • The theatre in town looks impressive. Do you know if there is anything on this month?
  • If you like beer, there is a great Beer Tasting Festival in town next week.


Or you can ask a more direct question, such as:

  • Do you like cooking?
  • Do you play any musical instruments?
  • Do you often go to the theatre?
  • Do you enjoy going to the cinema?
  • Are you interested in cars?


When you're talking about your own hobbies, it’s useful to add what it is about them you enjoy. It's even better if you can link this to your job or role in the company. This is a great technique to remember if you're asked about your hobbies in an interview or on your CV:

  • I love playing video games, some of them have amazing stories and I like solving problems.
  • I really enjoy reading. I especially love to keep up-to-date with the latest innovations in science.
  • I've always had a talent for painting. I find it really helps you connect with nature and it's very calming.
  • I really enjoy playing tennis. I've made some great friends throughout the years and have even won a few competitions!


If you're in a new place or visiting a new country, you might be asked to participate in some activities you haven't tried before. In some situations, you might like to accept the invitation:

Q. We usually go surfing after work on Friday. Would you like to join us?

A. In Scotland, it's usually too cold for surfing. I've never tried it, but I'd love to give it a go!

Q: I'm organising a 5K run in September. Would you like to take part?

A: Running wouldn't be my number one talent, but I'll give it a try.

Q: I have some tickets to the match on Saturday. Would you like one?

A: That sounds great, I'd love that.

Q: We would like you to join us for a tea ceremony tomorrow?

A: I have never attended a tea ceremony. That sounds lovely, thank you.

In other cases, it might not be your ‘cup of tea’ (which means it might not be something you like to do ). In this case, it's important to know how to decline without sounding rude:

Q: At the barbecue, we usually have a bake-off to see who can make the best cake.

A: I'm not really that great at baking, to be honest. I'd rather leave it to the experts!

Q: I'm thinking of organising a Yoga retreat one weekend. Would you be interested?

A: Yoga isn't really my thing. I much prefer team sports. I hope you have a great time, though!

Q: I have some tickets to the Opera on Wednesday. Would you and your wife be interested?

A: I'm afraid I have plans that night, sorry; but maybe some other time.

Hobbies and interests can be a useful tool to make friends, establish connections and build relationships with your employer, colleagues and clients so it is worth studying these phrases and learning to share your interests with others.

Some Sample Conversations for Talking About Your Hobbies

Conversation 1

Noah: How are you getting on in your new neighbourhood?

Dale: Great, thanks, Noah. There seems to be so much to do here.

Noah: Yes, we're lucky to be so close to the beach! Actually, a few of us were planning a barbecue and surfing on the beach on Saturday. Would you like to come?

Dale: I've never tried surfing before. I don't think I'll be very good.

Noah: Are you a good swimmer?

Dale: I love swimming. I used to swim a few times a week in Singapore.

Noah: You'll get the hang of it! See you on Saturday.


Conversation 2

Mick: Antonio, I heard that you like football?

Antonio: That's right. I used to play for my local team in Turin!

Mick: Did you, really? Did you know we have a company team?

Antonio: No! I haven't heard of it.

Mick: We train on Wednesdays and Fridays after work.

Antonio: I'd love to give it a go.

Mick: We'd be happy to have you on the team!


Conversation 3

Lucy: Zoé, Marian told me you train in the gym before work.

Zoé: That's right! It gives me much more energy during the day and helps me feel stronger.

Lucy: I want to get back in shape. Do you think you could show me a few things?

Zoé: Of course, I'd be happy to show you around.

Lucy: I've never been to a gym before, I'm a little nervous.

Zoé: Don't be nervous. Everyone is lovely and very helpful.

Lucy: Thanks, Zoé! I have some tickets to the theatre on Thursday, to say thanks.

Zoé: I'm not a big fan of the theatre. I'm sure Marian would appreciate them more.

Lucy: No problem. See you in the gym tomorrow morning?

Zoé: Perfect!


  1. How does Noah ask Dale to come surfing?
  2. Has Dale tried surfing before?
  3. What expression does Noah use to say that Dale will learn to surf?
  4. How does Mick ask Antonio if he likes football?
  5. What expression does Antonio use to stay he would like to join the team?
  6. What does Mick mean when he says 'We'd love to have you?'
  7. Why does Zoe like training in the gym?
  8. Why does Lucy want to train in the gym?
  9. What does Lucy say that tells us she is not confident about training?
  10. What does Lucy offer Zoe to repay her for her help?
  11. How does Zoe politely decline the offer?



  1. He says 'a few of us were planning a barbecue and surfing on the beach on Saturday. Would you like to come?'
  2. No, he says, 'I've never tried it before.'
  3. You'll get the hang of it! The expression 'you'll get the hang of it' means 'you will learn', or 'you will get better at something'. So, you could say to a child learning to cycle a bicycle, 'you'll get the hang of it'; or your English teacher might say, 'You'll get the hang of verb tenses eventually!'
  4. He says, 'I heard that you like football?'
  5. Antonio says 'I'd love to give it a go.' which means 'I'd like to try!.'
  6. 'We'd love to have you' is an expression that means 'you are welcome' or 'we would enjoy your company.'
  7. She says it gives her more energy during the day and makes her feel stronger.
  8. Lucy says she wants to 'get back in shape', which means she wants to become fitter and maybe lose weight.
  9. I've never been to a gym before, I'm a little nervous.
  10. She offers Zoé some tickets to the theatre (theatre tickets).
  11. She says 'I'm not a huge fan of the theatre. I'm sure Marian would appreciate them more.

Further Questions

True or false?

  1. Talking about your hobbies is only useful if you are studying basic English.
  2. Discussing hobbies can be a good way to develop a relationship with a client or a coworker.
  3. You will never be asked about your hobbies in a job interview.
  4. Workaholics are more productive than people with creative hobbies.
  5. It is good to think about the skills your hobbies can bring to your job or role in the company you work for.

Answer Key

  1. false
  2. true
  3. false
  4. false
  5. true


A. Which of these phrases would you use to ask someone about their hobbies?*

*There is more than one correct answer

  1. I've never gone surfing before.
  2. Do you like hiking? If so, there is a great walk nearby.
  3. Cooking is not really my thing.
  4. Do you often go to the theatre?
  5. If you like beer, there is a great beer tasting festival in town next week.
  6. Do you play an instrument?


B. Which of these phrases would you use to accept an offer?

*There is more than one correct answer

  1. Running wouldn't be my number one talent, but I'll give it a try.
  2. That's not really my cup of tea.
  3. I'd love to give it a go!
  4. I'd rather leave it to the experts!
  5. That sounds lovely, thank you.


C. Which of these phrases would you use to decline an offer?

*There is more than one correct answer

  1. It's not really my thing. I hope you have a great time though!
  2. Sounds great.
  3. See you there.
  4. I'm afraid I have plans that night, sorry.
  5. Maybe some other time.


Answer Key

A = 2, 4, 5, 6

B = 1, 3, 5

C =1, 4, 5

Categories: : English learning tips