Vocabulary for talking About Your Family

Vocabulary for talking about your family.

Basic Vocabulary for Talking About Family

When you're networking or connecting with other colleagues, talking about your family is a safe topic and a great way to build relationships. People love when you remember details about their children or their family; and you can begin by telling people about your family. If you have children, don't be afraid to mention them. You can say something like:

  • I have two children, both girls!
  • I have three children, one son and two daughters. Do you have kids?
  • I'm a new Dad/Mum, so excuse me if I'm a bit tired.
  • I have a teenager and an 8-year-old. Do you have any children?
  • My husband and I have twin boys.


If you don't have any children, you can simply mention your partner or your spouse:

  • I just got married last year to my husband/wife.
  • My wife and I moved here three years ago.
  • My partner and I love it here. There is so much to do.
  • My girlfriend and I go swimming every weekend.
  • My fiancé (male)/fiancée (female) loves nature. We love living near the mountains.


You should be careful about asking people if they are married, or if they have a boyfriend or girlfriend. They could get the wrong idea and think you're interested in them romantically! It's best to wait for the other person to bring it up. If you are married, your partner's family can be referred to as your 'in-laws':

  • We are very lucky. Our in-laws help out with the children a lot.
  • My family live quite far away, but my in-laws are just an hour's drive from here.


If you're not sure what to say, you can keep things general:

  • I come from a small family in the United States.
  • I have a big family in the U.K., and I'm the oldest of five!


Or maybe there's something interesting about your family:

  • My father is a scientist too.
  • My mother worked in a bank all her life.
  • My brother used to work in the White House. He has some great stories!
  • My parents run the coffee shop in town. Maybe you've been there?
  • My sister started her own company online, it's very successful.


Family businesses can also be very interesting for people to hear. Talking about how long a business has been operating shows that it is resilient, and that the company has stood the test of time:

  • We've been in this business for five generations.
  • My grandfather started the business, and since then, we've been going from strength to strength.

Some Sample Conversations

Conversation 1

Catriona: I'm a new mum, so excuse me if I'm a bit tired.

Donna: Oh, really? My husband and I have two children, both under 5. I remember how tired I was when they were younger.

Catriona: That must be a lot of work.

Donna: I'm very lucky. Our in-laws live nearby and they help with the children a lot.

Catriona: My father and mother live nearby, so I guess I'm pretty lucky, too!


Conversation 2

Inese: Did you travel to London on your own?

Hanne: No! My husband and our two children are with me. We moved from Frankfurt 5 months ago.

Inese: You must miss your family.

Hanne: Yes, I come from a small family. We are very close. But I'll visit them in September.

Inese: My family comes from Latvia. My father is an Engineer, too.

Hanne: Do you have any children?

Inese: No, it's just me and my fiance for the moment!


Conversation 3

John: My partner and I love it here. There is so much to do.

Antoinette: My husband and I moved here a year ago. My husband loves nature. We go walking in the mountains every weekend.

John: My daughter loves the mountains too.

Antoinette: How many children do you have?

John: Well, there’s my daughter, who is a teenager; and we have a 12-year-old son.

Antoinette: That must be nice! I come from a big family back in the U.S. I miss having children around.



  1. How does Catriona say she has just had a baby?
  2. True or false: Donna's children are both older than 5 years old.
  3. In what way are Catriona and Donna lucky?
  4. What indirect question does Inese use to find out if Hanne has a family?
  5. Is Inese married?
  6. Does Hanne have one child or more?
  7. What is Inese’s job?
  8. Is John married?
  9. Does Antoinette have any children?
  10. How many children does John have?


Answer Key

  1. I'm a new mum, so excuse me if I'm a bit tired.
  2. False
  3. Their in-laws or parents live nearby to help them with their children.
  4. Did you travel to London on your own?
  5. No, she is engaged to be married.
  6. More than one.
  7. She says her father is an Engineer too, so we can assume she is an Engineer.
  8. We don't know if John is married because he uses the word 'partner', instead of 'husband' or 'wife'.
  9. Anthony said she misses having children around so we can assume she doesn't have any children.
  10. Two

Match the correct question with their answers



I have a teenager and an 8-year-old.

How many children do you have?

My partner and I love it here, there is so much to do.

How old are your children?

I have a big family in the UK. I'm the oldest of five!

When did you get married?

I have two children, both girls!

Do you like living here?

My parents run the coffee shop in town. Maybe you've been there?

Does your family live far from here?

My family live quite far away, but my in-laws are just an hour's drive from here.

Do you come from a big family?

I just got married last year in Spain.

What do your parents do?


Answer Key

  • How many children do you have? I have two children, both girls!
  • How old are your children? I have a teenager and an 8-year-old.
  • When did you get married? I just got married last year in Spain.
  • Do you like living here? My partner and I love it here, there is so much to do.
  • Does your family live far from here? My family live quite far away, but my in-laws are just an hour's drive from here.
  • Do you come from a big family? I have a big family in the UK. I'm the oldest of five!
  • What do your parents do? My parents run the coffee shop in town. Maybe you've been there?

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